Why You Need to Delegate Your Marketing to Scale Your Business

with Veronica Romney

The Growing your Team Podcast: Episode 113


When building a dream team, where do we start? How do we know when to let go of the reins? Finding the right team members can be tricky and even more so when business owners are partaking in roles they must let go of if they want to scale.  

Veronica Romney sheds light to the continuous mistakes that company owners make. Oftentimes the visionary is the one prompting the most harm to their organization. Unless one steps back to let others fill particular roles, it can cause a downward spiral that is ultimately avoidable.  

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In this Episode You’ll Hear:


  • How to build a dream team for your online business.
  • Why business owners should let go of their own marketing.
  • The difference between being an owner and an operator of your business.
  • How to attract marketing team members and establish leaders in those positions.
  • What are the necessary steps to take when shifting control to other team members.
  • How to find the right team members for your company.

About Veronica Romney:

Veronica Romney is a Dream Team Architect helping online entrepreneurs dial in their human resources, develop phenomenal company cultures, and profitable bottom lines. She’s a former Speaker and Trainer for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi and the former Chief of Staff of mega-brand BossBabe. She’s no stranger to the stage and has been in the online marketing world for over 13 years, having been featured in places like Forbes, Inc, Huffpost, and more. When she’s not helping her visionary clients scale to 8-figures plus, you can find her wrangling her two man cubs in the beautiful oak trees of North Carolina.

How to Connect with Veronica Romney:

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Veronica Romney, Growing Your Team Podcast, Jamie Van Cuyk, Small Business