How Long Does It Take To Hire Quality Team Members?

The Growing your Team Podcast: Episode 205


As small business owners, we tend to hire after we already need help. This reactive approach to adding employees makes hiring feel urgent and that we need someone in the role as soon as possible.

However, this urgency to fill the empty seat at the table can overshadow the time it takes to find and hire a worthwhile candidate. 

In this episode of the Growing Your Team podcast, we break down the average time it takes to complete the hiring process when your focus is on hiring the right person versus any person. In addition, you’ll learn why the hiring process can feel like it’s taking a significant amount of time, why taking the time is worth it in the long run, and how you can go about hiring in the best way so it doesn’t feel so overly taxing.

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How Long Does It Take To Hire Quality Team Members?, Growing Your Team Podcast, Jamie Van Cuyk, Small Business