How to Provide Affordable Benefits to Your Employees

with Mark Hurrell

The Growing your Team Podcast: Episode 216


As you begin to grow your small business, adding on team members invites new challenges. One of which is providing benefits. 

Benefits can make a big difference in your ability to attract quality candidates, but what can you afford, and how can you provide what people need when you’re a small business?

While it might not seem possible, there are ways to provide quality benefits, including health insurance, to your first employees.

Mark Hurrell offers insight on providing cost-effective benefits to your team members. He shares the best systems to put in place to make this process both affordable and accessible. 

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In this Episode You’ll Hear:

  • What is a PEO and how using one can impact your business
  • Why everybody should be using a payroll service
  • How to afford to offer health insurance even as a small business
  • What buying power mean when it comes to offering benefits 
  • How GMS differentiates from a healthcare standpoint

About Mark Hurrell:

Mark Hurrell is a Sales Manager from Group Management Services. Originally from Cleveland Ohio, Mark now resides in Tampa where he looks to share his skills in the world of sales.

How to Connect with Mark Hurrell:



Email: [email protected]

Group Management Services, Inc., W: 813-825-1603 C: 224-531-1229 

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Connect with Mark via LinkedIn/email/phone by Friday 2/9 to be entered into a raffle for a pair of AirPod Pros!

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How to Provide Affordable Benefits to Your Employees with Mark Hurrell, Growing Your Team Podcast, Jamie Van Cuyk, Small Business